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Frequently Asked Questions about our Heritage & History Month Bulletin Boards


Q: Why is it important to put up National Heritage and History Month bulletin boards?

A: Promotes Cultural Understanding, Fosters a Sense of Belonging, Honors Contributions, Encourages Diversity and Inclusion, Educates and Inspires, and Preserves Cultural Heritage

Q: What Heritage & History months bulletin board displays are available to download?

A: Sept 15 - Oct 15: Hispanic & Latine Heritage Month

November: Native American Heritage Month

December: Diverse Winter Holidays

February: Black History Month

March: Women’s History Month

April: Arab American Heirtage Month

May: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month AND Jewish Heritage Month

Q: What is included in the downloads for each of the Heritage & History Months?

A: Banner options with the title of the month, Border options, Posters that spotlight individuals (astronauts, inventors, artists, athletes, writers, and more), Multiple quote options for each individual, Coloring pages for each individual, Printing Instructions, and a Workbook.

Q: What age are the bulletin boards appropriate for?

A: The bulletin board displays have been designed for Elementary, Jr High/Middle Schools, and High Schools. The downloads include options for all age groups/schools with posters geared towards younger students, middle school students, and older students.

Q: Who should I talk to if I want to put the Heritage & History bulletin boards up in my school?

A: Contact your PTA President of the PTA Diversity and Inclusivity Chairman at your school OR talk to your principal. If you would like to see sample letters we have used to contact PTA President's and Principal/Administrators, reach out to us at

Q: How long does it take to put up the bulletin boards?

A: Depending on the size of your bulletin board or display area the amount of time it will take to put it up will vary.The larger the area, the more posters you will likely use so the more time it will take to put it up.

Q: Do I need to use all the elements included in the download?

A: The bulletin board displays were designed to be completely customizable.You decide what elements you would like to use and which elements you don’t want to use. For example, you don’t need to have a border around the outline of your board or display area. You decide how many people to spotlight / which posters to use each month. You decide if you want to use the coloring pages or do a book giveaway, etc.

Q: What size of bulletin board do I need to use?

A: The bulletin board displays are completely customizable allowing you to cater your bulletin board display to whatever size bulletin board or display area you have available.

Q: Do I need to put the displays up on a bulletin board? What if there are no bulletin board available at my school?

A: No! You can put the displays up on a chalkboard, whiteboard, mirror, or even a wall.

You could even print some pages and put them up on your fridge. The possibilities are endless.

Q: Who can use the bulletin board displays and workbooks?

A: Anyone. They were originally designed for schools and teachers, however, anyone can use them, families, libraries, businesses, hospitals, etc.

Q: Why coloring pages, the quiz, and the book giveaway?

A: The coloring pages, quiz, and book giveaway were designed specifically for elementary-aged students as a way to encourage engagement with the board.The coloring pages allow students who are too young to read to still be able to participate and encourage learning.As students take their coloring pages home it provides an opportunity for parents and caregivers to engage with them in learning more about the individual and the heritage or history month.

Q: Do we have to use the coloring pages or do the book giveaway?

A: No! The bulletin boards and downloads are completely customizable meaning you choose which elements you want to use in your school, classroom, library, business, home, etc.

The coloring pages and book giveaway were designed specifically for elementary-aged students.

Q: What are the workbooks?

A: For each of the Heritage & History Month bulletin board displays we created an accompanying workbook. The workbooks were designed as a resource for teachers, parents, and caregivers to use in their classrooms and homes, providing all the benefits of the bulletin board displays without having to have space for a display. They can also be used in addition to the bulletin board displays.

Q: What about months when there are more than one Heritage or History month?

A: Some months there are no Heritage or History months celebrated and other months there are more than one. We recommend using the months when there are no Heritage or History Months to display a bulletin board from a month when there are two. For example, there are none celebrated in January and two in May, so display one in January and the other in May. Then the following year swap which one is in January and which is in May.

Q: Who creates the coloring pages? Are they paid?

A: Our coloring pages have been created by BIPOC illustrators and designers who do paid consulting work with The Undaunted Foundation.

Q: Who creates the posters and workbooks?

A: They have been created by The Undaunted Foundation founder and volunteers.

Q: How are the designs decided for each of the Heritage and History months?

A: Each of the bulletin board displays have been designed through consultation with members of the community for the specific month. For example, for Hispanic & Latine Heritage Month, we consulted with individuals from the Hispanic & Latine community.

Q: How are the individuals for each Heritage or History Month picked?

A: Individuals are picked through consultation with members of the community for the specific month. For example, for Hispanic & Latine Heritage Month, we consulted with individuals from the Hispanic & Latine community.

Q: Where do I print everything for the bulletin boards?

A: Find a local print shop. Talk to your school library. Contact your district to ask if they have print options. Note: Most of the posters are formatted to print on 8 1/2 x 11. The border is formatted to print on 11 x 17 " cardstock. The banner options are formatted to print as 22" x 10" or 36" x 10" posters.

Q: Will there be additional Heritage & History month bulletin board displays in the future?

A: Yes! Our plan is to create additional Heritage & History Months in the future.

We also plan on creating additional displays for National months, such as Disability Awareness Month, Pride Month, etc.

Q: Do you want to collaborate? Are you interested in making more bulletin board displays?

A: Yes! Reach out to us on our social media pages or email us at

Q: What if I want a specific person to be spotlighted for a specific month? Or I have other feedback about a bulletin board display?

A: Reach out to us on our social media pages or email us at

Q: Who do I contact if I have feedback about a bulletin board display?

A: Reach out to us on our social media pages or email us at

Q: How do you communicate with the school about the bulletin board displays?

A: We email the principal a message that introduces the board for the month to be read on the weekly morning announcements at the beginning of the month.

At the beginning of the year we email the teachers the schedule for the bulletin board for the entire school year. At the beginning of each month we email the teachers about the bulletin board that month and asking if they would like any copies of the coloring pages or the workbook for their classroom. If you would like a copy of the emails we send to our principal or teachers each month, reach out to us at

Q: What feedback have you received about the bulletin boards from teachers and school administrators?

A: From the Diverse Winter Holidays board I had the students each choose a holiday to research and write about. It was great for an informative writing assignment. —5th Grade Teacher

I use the workbooks to do reading for speech production practice or language comprehension.

—Speech Language Pathologist

The bulletin boards have been very helpful. Each month we pick people from the board to learn about. We also watch YouTube videos about the people we're learning about.

-6th Grade Teacher

Thank you again, for your multicultural lessons. We read about Bellen Woodard today--what a great way to introduce my multicultural colored crayons and markers into my classroom--the students couldn't wait to use them!! These pages are so great for buddy reading too...I know I can find the time to fit in more buddy reading!! Thanks again for all your efforts.

-3rd Grade Teacher

Q: What feedback have you received about the bulletin boards from teachers?

A: I learned about Bellen Woodard and her crayons on the Black History Month board. I read the book “More than Peach” to the First and Second-grade classes. We talked about “the skin-colored crayon" and about how there are MANY different skin colors, not just peach. Then they traced their own hand and got to pick from 24 different “skin color” crayons from Crayola’s Colors of the World pack to color in their traced hand.

-Art Specialty Teacher

Thank you so much for the great information about the December holidays! To go along with the 6th grade study of world religions, I put a few of your bulletin board pages into a slide show in music class and we discussed the beautiful presence of light in these celebrations. I brought a menorah from home and we talked about the history of Hanukkah and learned the song Maoz Tzur or Rock of Ages. Then we added flashlights into our circle as we sang until everyone had a light to shine. We loved seeing the room filled with colored light. Most of the classes were very open to sharing what they knew or had just learned about the various holidays we discussed. Thank you for making this information more accessible!

-Music Specialty Teacher

Q: What feedback have you received about the bulletin boards from parents?

A: The coloring pages have been delightful this month for Black History Month. My child brings them home and gives them to her junior high and high school siblings. We research. We study. We color. You are making such a difference!! Thank you!!

-Elementary-Aged Parent

I love your workbooks. I use these for my homeschool lessons.

-Homeschool Parent

Q: What feedback have you received about the bulletin boards from students?

A: Many students tell us how much they love the board when we're putting it up each month. We also hear lots of “Dude, it’s our month!” and “Finally it's about the women.” type comments from students while we are at the school.

NOTE: If there are any additional questions we have not answered, please reach out to us at

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